SaaS or SaaP: What's best for your business

SaaS or SaaP: What's best for your business

When it comes to delivering digital products or services to your customers, two primary routes are available: Software as a Service (SaaS) and Software as a Product (SaaP). So, what's the best route for your business? In this article, we will delve into the main differences between the two models, evaluating their respective merits and drawbacks in terms of Return on Investment (ROI), customer experience, and overall business efficiency. Let's start from the basics. 

What is SaaS?

SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a software delivery model that empowers businesses to offer applications to customers over the Internet, free from the constraints of traditional software licensing. With SaaS, customers access software through a subscription-based service, alleviating the need for local installations and upkeep.

Benefits of offering a SaaS

  1. Recurring Revenue: SaaS offers a predictable stream of recurring revenue, a financial lifeline that enhances the stability and sustainability of your business. This predictable revenue stream provides businesses with financial security and a platform for strategic planning.
  2. Scalability: The inherent scalability of SaaS solutions ensures that your software can effortlessly evolve to meet the evolving needs of your customers, thereby perpetually staying relevant. As your customer base grows, SaaS solutions can seamlessly expand, eliminating the need for overhauls or costly migrations.
  3. Cost Efficiency: Centralised hosting and maintenance make SaaS an efficient choice for businesses and their customers. The pooled resources translate into cost savings that extend across the spectrum. SaaS platforms consolidate infrastructure and maintenance expenses, making it more cost-effective than the traditional model where customers need to manage their own hardware and software.
  4. Enhanced Customer Experience: With universal access via the Internet, SaaS solutions offer convenience and flexibility, significantly elevating the overall customer experience. Customers can access SaaS applications from virtually anywhere, using any device with an internet connection. This flexibility enhances their experience and makes your software more accessible.
  5. Automatic Updates: SaaS providers typically handle software updates and maintenance, ensuring customers can always access the latest features and security enhancements. This takes the burden off customers and ensures they can leverage your software's full potential.

Disadvantages of SaaS

  1. Initial Capital Outlay: Establishing a SaaS infrastructure requires significant upfront investment in infrastructure, security, and software development. This can be a barrier for smaller businesses with limited initial resources.
  2. Dependency on Internet Connectivity: The viability of SaaS is inextricably linked to the availability and reliability of the Internet. Downtime or slow connections can impede the usability of your software, potentially leading to customer frustration.
  3. Data Security Concerns: Storing data in the cloud can raise concerns about data security and privacy. Ensuring robust security measures are in place is essential to gain and maintain customer trust.
  4. Limited Customisation: SaaS solutions may offer limited flexibility for customisation. While this is often a trade-off for the benefits of scalability and ease of use, it can be a disadvantage for businesses with highly specialised or unique needs.

SaaS Examples:

  • Salesforce 
  • Slack
  • Mailchimp
  • Duolingo 
  • Canva 
  • Dropbox

What is SaaP?

In stark contrast, SaaP, or Software as a Product, clings to the traditional model, where businesses develop and market software products for customers to purchase and install on their infrastructure.

Benefits of offering a SaaP

  1. Upfront Sales Revenue: SaaP predominantly involves one-time sales, delivering immediate revenue upon customer purchase. This upfront revenue can be particularly advantageous for cash flow and capital investment needs.
  2. Control Over Customisation: This model affords you greater control over the software product, enabling tailored customisations to meet individual customer requirements. It allows you to cater to niche markets with specific needs.
  3. Freedom From Internet Dependency: SaaP products work offline, eliminating concerns related to internet connectivity issues. This is a significant advantage for businesses operating in remote areas or with customers with limited internet access.
  4. Long-Term Ownership: Customers who purchase software products often perceive them as assets they own. This sense of ownership can lead to strong brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Disadvantages of SaaP

  1. Inconsistent Revenue Streams: The reliance on one-time purchases can introduce revenue volatility, making financial planning and long-term stability more challenging. Businesses must continuously generate new sales to maintain revenue levels.
  2. Maintenance and Updates: With SaaP, regular maintenance, customer support, and updates are imperative, rendering it a resource-intensive endeavour. Ongoing support and updates can place a strain on resources.
  3. Competitive Disadvantages: Offering a SaaP may be challenging to keep up with competitors who offer more agile SaaS solutions with frequent updates and new features in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.
  4. Complex Installation: Customers are responsible for installing and maintaining SaaP products, which can be complex and time-consuming, potentially leading to frustration.

SaaP Examples:

  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • McAfee Antivirus
  • QuickBooks

Making the Right Choice for Your Business

The choice between SaaS and SaaP hinges on a precise alignment with your business objectives and the unique needs of your customers. SaaS could be the optimal solution if you seek predictable, recurring revenue and intend to provide customers with a seamless experience. However, if you possess a distinctive product that warrants customisation and can function autonomously without internet reliance, SaaP may present itself as the more fitting route.

It's important to remember that the 'one-size-fits-all' approach does not apply in this scenario. Each business must meticulously weigh the advantages and disadvantages, aligning their choice with their long-term vision and the distinctive demands of its customer base.

Overcoming the hurdles of in-house development

While the decision between SaaS and SaaP is crucial, another pivotal aspect lies in developing and maintaining the chosen software solution. Instead of embarking on this complex journey in-house, many businesses are discovering the benefits of outsourcing to specialised agencies that are well-versed in digital transformation and innovation, and Calls9 is one of them. 

With our 'Team as a Service' (TaaS) model, we deliver a dedicated team of experts comprising developers, designers, business analysts, and other specialists. This team approach ushers in a myriad of benefits:

Cost Efficiency

Our TaaS model negates the need for long-term financial commitments associated with full-time employees, such as benefits, training, and office space. It provides cost-effective access to skills when and where you need them.


Calls9 brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. We have a proven track record of delivering successful software solutions, ensuring your project benefits from their collective knowledge.

Focus on Core Competencies

By outsourcing the technical aspects of your project, your business can stay focused on its core competencies and strategic goals, allowing you to maximise your productivity and efficiency.

Ongoing Support

Post-launch, these agencies can provide continuous support and updates, ensuring the longevity and relevance of your software product.

In conclusion, whether you opt for SaaS or SaaP, your ultimate aim should be to enhance the customer experience while boosting operational efficiency. Your choice should seamlessly align with your long-term vision and the distinctive needs of your clientele. Furthermore, when it comes to software development and maintenance, it's imperative to acknowledge that partnering with an external agency like Calls9 can be the lynchpin of your software project's success. Outsourcing to specialists allows you to capitalise on cost-efficiency, expertise, and the luxury of focusing on your core business activities.

Let's bring your ideas to life. Reach out today.