Web2 vs Web3: A Glimpse into the Future

Web2 vs Web3: A Glimpse into the Future

The Internet, that ever-expansive digital realm, has undergone profound transformations since its inception. From the early days of Web 1.0, characterised by static websites, to the dynamic and interactive era of Web2, the online landscape has evolved dramatically. Now, we find ourselves on the brink of yet another revolutionary phase: Web3. This new iteration promises to usher in a decentralised, blockchain-powered internet, fundamentally altering how we engage with technology. And, because this is a question many people have, here we will explore the difference between Web2 and Web3, what changes and get a glimpse of the future that awaits us.

Web 2.0: A Social and Interactive Revolution

The Web 2.0 era, often hailed as the "social web," emerged in the early 2000s and heralded a host of transformative capabilities that reshaped how we interact with the Internet. Some key features of this phase included:

  • Social Media: The advent of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,  Instagram and many more paved the way for users to connect with friends, share their lives, and engage with content on a global scale.
  • User-Generated Content: Websites such as Wikipedia and YouTube enabled users to create and contribute content, effectively democratising the Internet by giving a voice to the masses.
  • Mobile-Friendly: The rise of smartphones made it possible to access the Internet from virtually anywhere, resulting in the proliferation of mobile apps and responsive web design.
  • Cloud Computing: Services like Google Docs and Dropbox popularised the notion of storing data and applications in the cloud, fostering collaboration and remote work.

Web2 empowered users to an unprecedented degree, but it simultaneously concentrated power in the hands of tech giants who controlled user data, advertising revenue, and content delivery.

Web3: Decentralisation and Blockchain

Web3 often termed the "semantic web" or the "decentralised web," represents the next evolutionary stage in the Internet's journey. Some of its defining features include:

  • Decentralisation: Web3 is founded upon decentralised technologies, particularly blockchain, which redistributes power and control away from centralised authorities.
  • Ownership and Control: Users now possess more extensive control over their data and digital assets, with the ability to monetise their data and determine who has access to it.
  • Interoperability: Web3 aspires to establish a seamlessly interconnected internet where data can flow unhindered between platforms and applications.
  • Smart Contracts: Blockchain empowers the creation of self-executing smart contracts, streamlining agreements and transactions.
  • Privacy and Security: Web3 prioritises privacy, affording users greater autonomy over their personal information and how it is utilised.
  • Digital Identity: Users are bestowed with unique, verifiable digital identities, enhancing the security and trustworthiness of online interactions.

The Future of the Internet

Web 3.0 is still in its infancy, yet it promises to redefine how we navigate the Internet. This transformation will have profound ramifications across various facets of our lives:

  • Digital Economies: Web3 allows users to partake in decentralised economies through Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), cryptocurrencies, and digital assets. NFTs have gained significant attention in several industries, especially art. Artists like Beeple have sold digital art pieces for millions of pounds in the form of NFTs. This empowers artists to sell their work to collectors directly, eliminating intermediaries and granting them a more significant share of the proceeds.
  • Content Creation: Creators can now directly monetise their work, eliminating reliance on advertising or centralised platforms.
  • Privacy and Security: Enhanced privacy measures will shield users from data breaches and invasions of their digital lives, ushering in a new era of digital safety. One example of this is how blockchain technology is transforming identity verification. Self-sovereign identity (SSI) systems use blockchain to create secure, tamper-proof digital identities. For instance, the Sovrin Network provides individuals with digital identities that are under their control. This technology is revolutionising online identity management by putting users in charge of their personal information.
  • Trust and Authenticity: Blockchain technology simplifies the verification of the authenticity of online information and transactions, countering the proliferation of fake news and scams. In the supply chain industry, IBM's Food Trust platform uses blockchain to trace the origin and journey of food products. This enhances transparency and trust, allowing consumers to verify the authenticity of organic or sustainably sourced products, thereby reducing the risk of counterfeit claims.

Challenges and Concerns

While Web 3.0 offers a promising vision for the future, it isn't without its fair share of challenges and concerns:


Realising the full potential of Web3 will necessitate educating the public about blockchain and decentralised technologies. This knowledge gap must be bridged to ensure users can navigate the new web effectively.

Several businesses like Calls9 and organisations such as ConsenSys Academy and Binance Academy offer educational resources, conferences and courses on blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and decentralised applications. These platforms are crucial in educating users and developers in the blockchain space.

Regulatory Issues

Governments across the globe must establish appropriate regulations to ensure that Web3 is employed responsibly and ethically. This is essential to guard against potential misuse of the technology. The regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology varies widely across different countries. For instance, some nations like Malta have established blockchain-friendly regulations, while others like China have imposed strict restrictions. Achieving global regulatory consensus remains a challenge.

To sum up, Web3 represents a paradigm shift in the evolution of the Internet. It offers a future where users have unprecedented control over their online experiences, digital assets, and personal data. While it faces challenges and regulatory hurdles, its potential to empower individuals and reshape the digital landscape makes it an exciting glimpse into the future of the web.

Embracing and understanding these changes will be crucial for anyone navigating the digital world in the coming years. The promise of a more secure, private, and user-centric internet beckons, and as Web3 continues to evolve, its transformative potential will only become more apparent. The next chapter in the online revolution is poised to be remarkable, and it's an opportunity we should all be prepared to embrace. As we move into this new era, staying informed and adapting to the changing digital landscape cannot be overstated.

Want in? Let's get started.

As Web3 is in a developmental stage, businesses that are now starting to build their Web3 strategy will be the first to capitalise on its countless opportunities and future-proof their business.

Contact our team to discuss:

  • Web3 Strategy
  • Blockchain
  • Smart contracts
  • NFTs
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Metaverse
  • Gaming

Let's bring your ideas to life. Reach out today.

*The cover image of this article is generated by AI